The genesis for creating the Affordable Human Needs (AHN) company is rooted in the experience of a group of friends doing mission work in Rwanda.
They began with several different projects that Rwandan community leaders gave as their list of priorities.
One of the first was a breeding program to pass along milk cows throughout a community, and others included clean water projects, hygiene and sanitation training, malaria prevention training and others having to do with basic health issues.
After experiencing the level of need in different communities, several mission team members started looking at additional ways to help these communities.
It was clear that clean water was one of the most urgent needs so that’s where the team that would become AHN began.
After doing a lot of homework regarding water filters, AHN discovered that the most widely used water filters worked well, but they were expensive.
That meant that governments, NGOs and charitable organizations could only afford to buy water filters for a very small percentage of those in need of clean water.
Far too many people continued to suffer from the effects of unsafe water and were being left behind.
So, AHN went to work on developing a low-cost, high-quality water filter that was easy to set up, use and maintain.
AHN developed their Component Validation Process (CVP) to make sure that only the essential components of a water filter kit were included. That helped control costs while maintaining the high quality needed for a reliable and durable product.
They also used their sourcing expertise (decades of it) while purchasing components in high volumes to get the very best pricing in order to drive costs down. It worked!
The result is the new PEACEFilter, which is truly innovative because it meets the highest quality standards while reducing costs dramatically.
The end result is that governments, NGOs and charities can help two, to three, times as many people for each dollar spent!
The PEACEFilter is truly a game changer for any organization trying to help the masses who suffer from the ill effects of waterborne diseases.
The word about the PEACEFilter has spread and now AHN is working in communities in Uganda and Democratic Republic of the Congo… and the list of countries is growing.
African community leaders have also expressed their hope to solve problems of lighting in areas lacking electricity.

Kerosene lamps are used quite a bit in these communities, and with the kerosene lamps comes some serious health risks, so AHN developed a solar-powered lamp called the PEACELight.
Where the future is concerned, AHN wants to be at the forefront in developing and distributing innovative products that transform lives of people in poor communities around the world.
If you, or a group you represent, want to be a part of a life-changing mission then consider working with AHN. We’re always looking for like-minded people with a heart to help others.
We would love to hear your ideas about how we can work together to make a difference for those who could use a little help in this world.
Use our contact form and let us hear from you.